Ah yes… more fun with Zombies. And Lance Armstrong.

Again, not any kind of political or sports commentary. I admire greatly what Lance has done for his sport and I don’t have strong opinions one way or another as to whether his is an unfairly persecuted athlete or simply yet another athlete who hasn’t yet been caught cheating.

I’m just poking a little fun at the whole matter of anti-doping in sports and I thought having Zombies be given a chance to complete ONLY if their bodies were filled with hazardous waste material was the most obvious way to go. Lance was just a bonus.


Every first Tuesday of every month is the Washington DC webcartoonist group meet-up. So, as I am writing this on a Tuesday afternoon, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. Last month, I couldn’t go as I was participating in the first podcast interview I have ever given for Capes & Babes so that was a lot of fun.

If you would like more information about the group, e-mail me at capesnbabes [at ] gmail.com.
