Having some more fun with the Zombie Decay-athon. Hope you guys are getting as much of a kick out of these zombie strips as I am writing and drawing them. They are a lot of fun.

On to some other notes…
For the last couple of weeks, I have been putting up some surprise strips and/or illustrations on Sunday. I’ve been doing that as an extra little treat for people who have been checking out my strip. Today though, I didn’t post one as I was spending the entire afternoon with my family (but mostly with my son). This has been the first time I had a chance to actually charge up the ol’ laptop. So no surprise or secret strip today. They’ll return next Sunday. Maybe. You have to come here to find out (yeah, I know… I’m a stinker).

I will also be appearing this month at the Roanoke Valley Comic Con. That will be on April 25th. The Roanoke Valley Comic Con is a one day con. This will be my first time appearing there so I’m really excited about that!

And lastly, the first Capes & Babes strip collection is coming along nicely. I will soon be posting pre-orders for all interested parties. My goal is to have a book to sell at Balticon 43 in May.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading!
