Okay folks, so here is my filler from Super Hero Weekend 2012! I want to especially thank Stacy and EVERYONE at Comic Fusion for inviting me to their store for the weekend as well as providing food for us as well – way too many mini-cup cakes though!!!

I had a blast driving up to New Jersey for the first time on Saturday morning… gorgeous weather for the whole trip up there. Only had a bit of trouble when I finally got in the nearby vicinity of Flemington – only because my ancient TomTom couldn’t actually locate “Main Street, Flemington” but I was finally able to get there thanks to my TeleNav App on my cell phone. But I got there maybe only 20 minutes later than what Google Maps and both my GPS devices said I would.

Because of that, I only drew for a few hours on Saturday but everyone was great and very supportive. Later that evening, I had a great time at dinner with Stacy, Amber Love and a couple of others as well. Afterwards, I proceeded to get VERY well acquainted with Route 31 in Flemington as I took a wrong turn and couldn’t actually find the Ramada hotel I was staying at – but eventually, I got turned around and made my way back to Flemington and easily found the hotel. Amazing what happens when you go the RIGHT WAY (literally, as I got lost because I turned left instead of right).

On Sunday, despite never getting my 8:00am wake-up call from the front desk, I still woke up around 8:30am, got packed and realized I had an hour or so to kill before I needed to be at Stacy’s shop – so I went to the local McDonald’s, ate breakfast and decided to finish coloring a commission I started last night. So, I went out to my car, got my art supplies and brought it back into McDonald’s and proceeded to gather a small little crowd that hovered over me to watch me do my thing before it was time to leave.

That’s when the rain (and the cold) flew in from who knows where…

On Sunday, I spent all day sitting next to Bill Ellis (All New Issues) and Charles Wilson doing sketches for SAFE. I don;t know how much we raised but the two donation jars on our table were both filled by the end of the day. All three Little Ponies were a part of the donations and all three GENTLEMEN who got all three of my Ponies were quite pleased with them.

One of the reasons why this filler strip is up late today was because the ride home was a bit slow. Again, leaving Flemington was just as tough as it was finding it – mainly because my GPS wanted me to go in a direction that either had a road closed or a bridge out. That happened twice. Added