Alrighty folks… so just as ONE MORE REMINDER...
I will be in Flemington, New Jersey Saturday and Sunday at Comic Fusion for Stacy Korn’s Super Hero Weekend.

My full color, 9×12″ Ambush Bug is stalling out at $50. You guys gotta get over to the site and up that bid before Saturday. All proceeds go to a great cause… helping to curb domestic violence!

Should I start a Kickstarter campaign?

Tonight (Thursday), the Webcomic Alliance gang talked to Joel Duggan about his most excellent Indiegogo campaign for his first Starcrossed book. Joel had to go with Indiegogo because he’s from the Great White North, eh? And, well, Kickstarter doesn’t like people outside the US of A.

Had a real good discussion about Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Also discussed Robin’s NEW Kickstarter campaign as well and it got me thinking if I should start one myself…

There’s only one problem though…

I already have the third Capes & Babes book completed. It made its debut at Heroes Con this past summer but the truth of the matter is, I haven’t sold a LOT of newest volume – or, at least not as many copies as I would like. The trouble many of you who have been fortunate to see me at conventions have already bought Volume Three already. Would you all be willing to support my campaign even though you may have one, two or even all three books?

Theoretically, since the book is published via Print-On-Demand, I could create a “2nd edition” with maybe some more strips that I was planning on publishing in the fourth book, a few more commission sketches and a special Kickstarter thank you page for all the contributors as extra incentive for all those who contributed. Would that be enough incentive though to get you to buy a book you essentially already have?

Some of the extra incentives I was thinking about including in this Kickstarter would be a ton of original art, new Roy buttons (all the original ones have all been sold), a special Capes & Babes store employee badge with a custom Capes & Babes lanyards and, as a very special incentive… I was thinking of offering a variant cover featuring YOU on the front hitting ME upside the head instead of the old lady that’s on the cover now.

Would that interest any of you even though you may have already bought a Capes & Babes book from me???

Let me know by saying something in the comments section.