I’m posting Wednesday’s strip a day early because I was experimenting with various settings using the WordPress dashboard – specifically how categories and other things like that are controlled – and somewhere along the way, I accidentally made a new Blog post… which, in turn, made it appear as if there was no comic on the Home page.

Fortunately though, I already had Wednesday’s strip created so I’m just going to post it today (Tuesday) instead. Not really a big deal, I suppose. Still though, it’s taking some time to get used to all the little intricacies of WordPress and what WP will – and won’t – let you do. Sometimes, it does feel like I’m trying to fit a round hole in a square peg. As a web disigner, I’m much more in tune with the flexibility of having the capabilities to modify, edit and control the content of my site the way I want and how I want. It is sometimes very hard – and frustrating – to understand I don’t always have complete control over everything with WordPress.
