Okay, I admit it… I haven’t seen The Sarah Connor Chronicles yet. But you have to understand… The Terminator really affected me when it first came out in the theater years and years ago. At the time, I thought it was one of THE BEST sci-fi/romance stories that I had ever seen. It totally turned me on to Michael Biehn in a man-crush way. And Linda Hamilton… c’mon! How could you go wrong with her???

But let’s be serious here. As great of a visual treat T2 was (and for some, that might also include T3 as well) the more you start thinking about the Terminator universe, the less it actually makes sense. But that’s not a knock so much on the Terminator universe as much as it is a knock on “time travel” stories in general. There’s always going to be something about them that doesn’t quite add up or quite make sense.

I think that’s how Roy feels about Terminator and The Sarah Connor Chronicles
