More “Behind the Newsprint”, featuring ROM the Space Knight. Again, it’s more of a spoof of the “Behind the Music” spots then it is a spoof of ROM. Although I really do think it would be pretty funny of Jocasta and ROM ever did hook up.


Now, on a very big side note…
I’m one of these artists that have very definitive views about certain things but I don’t always believe it’s my duty to share those views with everyone. Even with performers I do like, I tend to get turned off when they use the stage to tell me how they think and – even more so – how I should think.

I’m not a political cartoonists – although lately, I’m really seriously thinking about changing that idea. In any case, I don’t feel like I should use this pulpit to tell you my opinions. This is supposed to be something fun – for EVERYONE. Therefore, I have no justification for potentially turning off people because they don’t agree with me on certain issues.

We all have our own individual beliefs and value systems so you shouldn’t have to come here and read a (hopefully) funny cartoon strip and then be subjected to MY views and opinions. So even though I have very strong feelings about certain things regarding this presidential election, you won’t find me spouting them here.

I save them for my Twitter feed.

