The tale of ROM’s descent into pop culture obscurity and the aftermath of the descent – in the form of “Behind the Newsprint” continues…

And for those that might not recognize all the other mechanical beings in the last panel, from left to right, here’s the roll call:

IG-88 – one of the bounty hunters that was hired by the Empire to hunt down Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back. I’m sure there’s probably been plenty of novels that might have mentioned IG-88 but in the movies, you never saw him again after Empire.

A Go-Bot. Does it REALLY matter who or which Go-Bot it is? Aren’t they pretty much all the same? Which would explain even more why THIS particular Go-Bot has an addiction problem, doesn’t it?

Cylon 12. I would think ALL the classic Cylons would have some kind of addiction problem once they were told they were no longer welcomed in the “new and improved” world of Battlestar Gallactica…

And, lastly, Ultron Number whatever.