So… what do they say about better being late than never?

Yeah, I realize this strip should have appeared yesterday on actual Black Friday. The fact is, doing a strip around the holidays can be extremely tough – especially around this time of the holiday season, in terms of time and other family obligations. Still, I wanted to post this strip sometime today (Saturday) as I am going to be taking a short break for the month of December.

In terms of numbers, Capes & Babes stat numbers always go down for the month of December so last year, I did a little experiment… I ran some replacement strips from my previous cartoon strip, CMX Suite, in the place of actual new Capes & Babes strips. That gave me a refreshing break and helped jump start a VERY productive and crazy 2013 that started back in January. This year has been a fantastic year in terms of convention sales but there is still a lot I’d like to do.

Two of the biggest things I simply have not had time to do has been to move my home made Paypal store from this site to my StorEnvy. Having a StorEnvy store provides a lot more flexibility in things I want to do – such as creating brand new professionally printed plastic employee badges for the next year. The emplyee badges will have a 10% off “employee discount” for anyone who purchases one of these badges. And I can make that work seamlessly with a StorEnvy store where I could not with my Paypal created store – or, at least not as easily, anyway.

I also HAVE to start working on the fourth book as well. Mainly, I have to create and design a cover for the book. I also had an idea that, in order to save table space on my convention table, I was going to combine books 1-3 into one big volume without any extra content… just one big compilation. The thought would be that the individual volumes 1-3 would still be available online on my StorEnvy store but only Volume 4 would have extra features and only Volume 4 and the compilation would be available at conventions.