[UPDATE] It took me all weekend but I FINALLY fixed Vaughn’s name in the first panel…

Now, how many of you all remembered what Roni’s brother’s name was? If you bought my first book, you know what it is. But if you didn’t, it’s Vaughn Von Castle. You haven”t seen a lot of Vaughn in the strip before, mainly because I designed him way too complicated and he always took me a long time to draw. But since starting this arc – in which he is the main character – I don’t have any other choice BUT to draw him… and now that I have drawn him in multiple strips, he’s actually getting much faster to draw and doesn’t seem quite as complicated as I originally thought.

Speaking of strips though, on occasion, I sometimes have friends and family that ask me why don’t I try getting my cartoons published in a newspaper. Well, besides the fact that getting syndicated is less likely than winning the lottery, I would never be able to do a strip like THIS for a syndicate.

Today’s strip is being posted a little later than I would normally like because…


Hope you all appreciate my blood, sweat and tears.

Again, feel feel to like this on Facebook, add it to your Google Circles or Tweet about it. If you’re a fan of the strip, all of that helps. It truly, truly does.

Thanks everyone!