As I’m writing this, it’s a few hours before the BIG FOOTBALL GAME comes on and I’m getting ready to head over to Ed Robinson’s house to watch the game. I’m not really rooting for any particular team… to me, this is very similar to the Patriots and Eagles game a few years ago. Not really caring who wins the game so we’ll see how good this game really is.

Yeah, it’s #700, baby…

Anyway, last week as I was posting my strip for Wednesday, I suddenly realized today (Monday) would be my 700th strip. I guess I should have prepared a little bit better and done something more spectacular than just run a regular strip that’s in the middle of a story arc… heck, if I would have planned things better, maybe I would have had a story arc leading up to the 700th strip. As it stands though, I didn’t want to kill the flow of the current story arc just so I could blow my own horn.

That’s what the blog is for, right?

I still can believe it’s number 700… maybe that’s why I didn’t plan anything “special” for today because, even though there are two zeros behind that seven, to me, this is just another Capes & Babes strip and, maybe on a subconscious level, it’s my own way of saying “I’m in this for the long haul, baby, so really, #700 doesn’t mean anything more than 479 did or 567 did…”.

You see, I think it’s pretty common for a lot of web cartoonists who first start out to mark their 100th strip, their 200th strip and so on. I know I did. But then once you get past a certain number, those achievements – although important – don’t seem to require you to blow your own horn as loudly as you did when you first reached 100, 200, 300 and so on. You’re no longer at a point where you need to climb up on the kitchen table and say “look at me! Look at me!”.

Don’t get me wrong… I still need that attention. Capes & Babes still isn’t where I would like it to be in terms of daily visits (that’s your cue to Tweet, Like me on Facebook and anything else you think you can do to help spread the word about the strip) but right now, I’m just really, really enjoying doing the strip… experimenting with different characters and writing different story lines. And to be at strip number 700 and still be able to say that? I think that says it all right there.

There’s still a ton of work I need to do… now that Capes & Babes is being hosted on iPage, I need to make time to create a whole new online store (I’m working on it), I have to start planning work on the third book (but there’s still plenty of copies of Volume 1 & 2 still available – hint, hint!) and the web site still needs more tweaking.

But yeah… strip number 700. Wow!

I swear, it doesn’t feel like I’m more than 100 strips old…