This strip goes out to Dawn Griffin and Chris Otto who have been bugging me to finally do some Twilight-related humor. That’s Edward in the last panel (if the sparkles weren’t clue enough for you). So, Dawn and Chris… here you go. There might be more on the way. You’ll just have to keep reading this story arc.

And speaking of shout-outs, I should also give special credit to Ed “Kardiac” Robinson as well as my wife who both have been instrumental in helping me come up with ideas for this story arc as well. Some of their ideas have already been incorporated while others are still to come. You all will just have to keep reading!

And if you like this strip – or this story arc – please, by all means, tell your friends in real lifer as well as your cyber life friends… tell them to Like me on Facebook, add me as a Google+ circle, Tweet about it in Twitter and anywhere else you can think of. I’d be very much obliged.

I can’t believe Monday will be my 700th strip!!! As Roy would say… AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!