If you have ever taken any kind of writing class, you will almost always hear an instructor say “write what you know”. Well, today’s strip is definitely a case of that.

My wife gives me grief all the time for having an uncanny knack of being able to find – at this time of year – the sappiest, corniest and heart-tugging Christmas-themed movies… usually on Lifetime, Hallmark or something like that. Yet, she has a hard time pulling herself away from whatever movie I find and, before the end, she ends up tearing up and giving me hell for it.

What I can’t understand about these movies is why someone always has to die (usually of cancer) just so another character can learn about the meaning of Christmas? Isn’t that usually the basic premise of most of these plots? Or there’s some unresolved love story… or possibly a lost kid or an orphan looking for a home…

You get the idea.

Now, hand me that tissue. I got some dust in my eye…