This upcoming weekend is the Virginia Little League Challenger’s World Series Jamboree in Virginia Beach. My family will be there. In fact, this will be our third year attending the event. If you want to find out more information about the event, click here. And, as I mentioned on Monday, we also attended a local Challengers “tournament” on Sunday. My wife and I help run one of the Dale City Little League Challenger teams – we’re the Dodgers this year. My wife is the team mom but really, she’s more like an assistant coach then anything else. And, on very rare occasions, you can also find her “playing” left field… that is, if you consider holding a coffee mug in one hand and a cigarette in the other as “playing”…

In any case, the time constraints of being so involved in the Challengers division this past week – and this upcoming weekend – has put an incredible damper on my so-called buffer. So, I hope you don’t mind enjoying a few of my very select “CMX Suite” strips I do for the web site, Community MX. “CMX Suite” is published weekly and appears on Community MX’s home page every Wednesday. In addition to the repeat strip appearing here, there’s a new one up on the Community MX web site right now (Wednesday). Why don’t you take a chance and check it out if you haven’t already?

In some other news, since I will be in Tovias’ neighborhood this upcoming weekend and my family and his are planning on getting together for a really nice meal Saturday night. Very much looking forward to that.

A call for Guest Strips continues…

Just thought I’d remind everyone that I’m still having an open call for Guest Strips if you would like to send me one. I’ve had a couple people contact me already so that’s nice but as they say in the movies “the more, the merrier…” at least those really old fashion movies, anyway.
