Last night (Tuesday), while I was inking this strip, I was thinking about something I had started a while back on this blog… something that seemed to have some success and seemed to do what it was originally designed to do. But, for a number of little reasons, I stopped doing it. Well, I’m thinking about bringing it back.

Yeah, that’s right… I’m thinking about bringing back WEREWOLF WEDNESDAY.

Long time readers of the strip (and this blog) remember that Werewolf Wednesday was my attempt to post, write or share something werewolf-related every Wednesday. And as with most crazy ideas, it started out with a bang and seemed pretty popular and got a lot of active participation. Some of the previous Werewolf Wednesday things I wrote about were:
The top ten werewolves in movies, favorite werewolves and favorite werewolf effects – to name just a few. People sent me photos and images of werewolf-related things as well.

So, I’m thinking about bringing it back. I have no idea where to start though, since one of the reasons I stopped doing it was simply because I ran out of werewolf material to write about. But, if any of you all have some ideas, I am all ears.

Friday is the VA Con Pre-con commission deadline…

If you’re planning on attending the Virginia Comic Con this Sunday in Richmond, VA, Friday is the deadline to take advantage of my $25 pre-con commission sale.

If you always wanted a commission from me, and you’re going to be at the con on Sunday, this is how it works:
Email me a commission request of your character. I will then send you a Paypal money request for $25. Once you’ve paid the amount, I’ll start work on a FULL COLOR, 9X12″ COMMISSION for you and will have it ready for you to pick up at the VA Comic Con.

Don’t forget to contribute…

Please, if you can, try to contribute to the Comic Creators for Freedom project to help stop children from being trafficked and raped daily , as well as being subjected to slavery.
Over to the left is a preview image of the wallpaper I mentioned on Sunday