I figured, with a werewolf AND a vampire in my strip, I absolutely HAD to do SOMETHING with the new Twilight movie coming out. For everyone that gets a huge laugh out of this, you can thank my wife – she gave me the idea that eventually turned into this strip (once her idea got into my head, festered for a while and became THIS twisted thing).

You all can praise (or blame) her!  LOL!

Another couple of things:

1) Thursday night, the Lightbox – Illuminating Webcomics podcast will be featuring my good friend, Joe Combs who does the comic strip “Business Casual“.

2) This weekend is the Virginia Comic Con in Richmond, Virginia. I will be there selling my book, “You Can’t print Flick” – the TPB of the first 200 Capes & Babes strips. Plus, if you buy the book, not only will you get an artist sketch of your favorite Capes & Babes character (you have one, don’t you?), you’ll also get 1.5″ buttons of Joey, Marc and Roy ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!

You can also get a free picture with Roy the Werewolf too! How ’bout that???!!!

I hope to see you all there this weekend!

Currently listening to “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga…
