2009 Beaky Awards. (<Clicky-clicky!)
Take a look at the last strip on the list! 🙂
Looks like the invitation to the party wasn’t a mistake after all. It must have just slipped under the welcome mat (just as I suspected). LOL!
Anyway, again, a nice round of applause for Fes and Tanya for considering Capes & Babes worthy enough to make their list. Thanks Webcomics Beacon!

So how was everyone’s Easter? Mine was particularly good. My mother came by and ate dinner with my family. My father would have come as well but he was, unfortunately, working today. But as my mother left our house, a particular theme started to form in my head – not for any specific reason (although it might have been one of those reflective moments us artist-types sometimes catch ourselves in). It was one of “time” and how easily we humans seem to abuse it.

We delay projects because of a favorite tv show is on… or we convince ourselves we really need a break so we watch a DVD… and then suddenly, after the show or movie, we realize how much time we have wasted… what we could have been doing instead of watching the television or playing that video game. But we do the same thing sometimes with loved ones… how many times have we made stupid or silly excuses not to see an old friend simply because we were “too busy” or “there was too much going on in our lives” at that particular moment?

Lost moments.

Or how many times have our kids asked us to do something but we simply just felt too tired from the rigors of the previous week that we simply say “later” yet knowing full well “later” will never come?

An abuse of time.

When we’re young, we think we have all the time in the world to do everything we want to do, so we lay back and think “there’s plenty of time to do X, Y or Z”… but it’s only when we get older do we REALLY begin to realize how precious time is.

So what’s the point of this post? Not much, really, except to say don’t let those precious moments slip by. Every day you make an excuse not to see an old friend, or a relative, or make an excuse not to play with your son or daughter is another moment in time you can never get back.

The same thing goes with art as well. For every day you make an excuse to not work on your craft is another day lost. Of course, we all need breaks now and then. I certainly needed a break leading up to Easter but now that Easter is over, my excuses now need to end as well. Too much to do and too little time to do it.

Always the life of an artist.

