Probably not, seeing as Ms. Walters is a professional interviewer whereas Marc is, well… Marc.

As I was preparing the art for the strip, I was originally only going to have spot colors here and there – like the blood in the previous Alien strip. But as I kept working on the strip, it occurred to me Powergirl just looked off. So, I decided to give her the full color treatment. And, well, once I gave PG the color treatment, I had to do the same for Marc. And since this wasn’t a complicated strip, I was able to crank out the colors pretty fast – that was also a big determination concerning the colors. If I was really pressed for time, it would have been black and white.

So, I hope everyone enjoys their Capes ‘N’ Babes color Friday!!!


Currently listening to Lone Justice’s “Wheels” from their Shelter album…
