So, some of you that met and talked with me at Heroes Con MIGHT recognize a few people in this line. You might even recognize the guy at the beginning of the panel (especially if you bought the Capes & Babes book). LOL!

But I should mention that this strip is entirely inspired by my driving buddy who was gracious enough to let me carpool down to North Carolina with him… my main man, Ed. And since this strip was Ed’s idea, how could I NOT include him in the strip in his infamous Wonder Woman gear? Yes, that’s him talking to Roy.

Not everyone is entirely based on people that I met at Heroes Con. A couple of the guys are completely made up but for the rest, there are very distinctive visual clues as to who they are. I’ll let you guys try to figure it out. Of course, it might be more clear once I post my videos from Heroes Con.

Job update:
On Monday and Tuesday, I am going in for “testing” for the BOSS Group in Bethesda, Maryland. The BOSS Group is a temp agency for graphic designers so we’ll see how that goes.