I was going to initially title this strip “Tugging on Superman’s Cape?”. In any case, today’s comic is the last in-depth thing I will say about www.webcomics.com and the new subscription model as everything I’ve wanted to say has been said in various blogs or forums.

Here’s what I WILL say about today’s strip…
I thought long and hard about doing this strip once this idea came to me. I wavered back and forth between “Should I do? Should I not do it?”. Ultimately, I decided to do this because one of the reasons I started Capes & Babes was because I was tired of people at my former job telling what I COULDN’T do. Capes & Babes was going to be an artistic expression and sometimes, artists need to take chances, or risks.

I also decided to post it because, quite frankly, I think it’s a humorous take on all the negative stuff that has gone on this week. I don’t think it’s particularly all that mean spirited. Hopefully, if you are in the camp of FOR the subscription model, you will still get a snicker out of it. If you have, then that’s one of the best compliments you can pay to an editorial cartoonist… to be able to laugh at his cartoon even if you completely disagree with it. My hope is that Brad doesn’t judge this too harshly and that he can still find some humor poked his way (even though I;m guessing it might have been a bit of a trying week for him).

I just mentioned on the Lightbox – Illuminating Webcomics podcast Matt Stout and I just recorded that ultimately, we’re all responsible for our OWN web sites so it falls to us what we want to do or not do with it. We wouldn’t like someone e-mailing us and telling us they hate our re-designed site and demanding we put the old design up simply because that’s what THEY want. Therefore, we can’t expect Brad and the other Half Pixel guys to do the same – no matter how passionate we feel about it.

So, my final advice is to let this thing go. Time will be the ultimate test whether this was a good move, hasty move, smart move or whatever other kind of move you want to call it.

But, if you want to be hypocritical like a certain werewolf, then go ahead. That’s your right as well too.

PS: For savvy readers, yes you read correctly. Roy does, indeed, belong to the G.R.O.W.L. – local 227.

