As many of you know, this weekend was the very first Intervention Con on Rockville, Maryland. I was a guest of the show and had an absolute BLAST! Unfortunately, I had SUCH a blast that I didn’t get home until real late last night (Sunday).

And truthfully, Intervention Con was so great from a Vendor’s perspective, I have way too much I could say that most of this blog post would just be me rambling on and on and thanking so many people. Therefore, I’m going to take a couple of days to gather my thoughts & let the con sink in for me before I post a write-up of it.

But as has become a tradition for cons, I am posting one of my favorite commissions I did during the weekend. It was for a cool dude named Casey who really liked my inked version of Thanos and was willing to purchase it for $15, but I conveninced him that for just an additional $15, the Thanos would look SOOOOOO much better in color and he graciously agreed.

The above image is tinted slightly yellowish due to the fact that I was indoors taking a picture of this indoors. I tried to remove as much of the yellowish tint as possible.

So enjoy a colored illustration of Thanos and regular black and white strips will continue on Wednesday. I will also have some additional news about things I want to do in the upcoming year with this site and with Capes & Babes.

Once again, I want to thank everyone who came out to Intervention Con, sat in on my panels or had long discussions with me at my tableor any time during “non-con” hours. I truly enjoyed talking to each and everyone one of you! Thank you so much.


Chris Flick