Yes, this one’s a little bit late today. And yes, it’s because of that little thing we had going on as a nation last night. I drew and inked today’s strip while watching the election results.

I originally had something different planned that didn’t have anything to do with the election (or politics) but as the night progressed, I decided that such an historic occasion demanded my commentary on it – in one form or another. That’s what artists do sometimes – they reflect what is going on in their lives and so I thought it was very appropriate to do the same with today’s strip. How could I not comment on one of the most historic nights in all of politics? Now, some might read that as saying that I’m simply relishing in the victory… but if you notice in the strip, there are no Obama or McCain signs. There are no indications of Republican or Democrat in the confetti or torn banners.

That was entirely on purpose.

Obama didn’t win my vote with his tax cut plan or his health care plan or his philosophy on the two wars we’re currently engaged in. He won my vote because I truly believe he will be the bipartisan President George W. SAID he was going to be but never, ever became. Even before 9/11 hit our shores, where was the same bipartisan cabinet George W. had set up in Texas when he was Governor? It never, ever came to Washington.

My HOPE is that Obama has enough self-confidence and self-conviction that he will bring into his White House a truly DIVERSE group of people – a TRULY bipartisan staff – that will actually disagree with him on very serious matters and that he simply won’t blow them off, ignore them or distrust them due to his own insecurities or, in Bill Clinton’s case, his overblown sense of ego.

My HOPE is that you might actually see someone like Tom Davis – a Virginia Republican who decided not to run for office this year but was really great for Virginia and that I voted for every year he was on the ballot – on Obama’s staff.

My HOPE is that Obama will convince Colin Powell to return to the White House and become a much more meaningful figure then he ever was with any of the other previous administrations.

My HOPE is that Obama will be forceful enough to not simply let the House and Senate Democrats do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. I’m actually glad that the Democrats didn’t get to the “magic 60”. The Republicans have already proven how crazy you can become when you have everything go your way and had the Democrats reached 60 seats, I think the same might have happened. As it stands right now, COMPROMISE will still need to be met in order to get a lot of things done. There will have to be compromise on both sides on a lot of issues.

And lastly, that’s my last big HOPE. Compromise. Finding a common ground. Finding a middle of the road solution that may not completely satisfy all parties but still benefits the majority. Governor Palin may have some future role in the Republican party but just as the Democrats need to move more towards the center on some (not all, but some) major issues, Republicans also need to take back their party and put a stop to the Neo-con’s bigotry, ignorance, fear mongering and intolerance for anyone else’s differing opinion. Not all Republicans feel or believe this way but the ones who are most vocal, most visible seem to relish those “values”. Those Republicans who actually believe someone who might have liberal tendencies aren’t “evil” or “anti-American” or “unpatriotic” need to tell the Joe the Plumbers and, yes, the Sarah Palins that that is not OUR America. It may be THEIRS but it’s not OURS. THOSE Republicans need to stand up and take back their party.

It’s completely baffling to me how you could be a fan of a particular football team… you have all the team’s banners and merchandise in your house, on you car or in your office. You tailgate at every game. You have season tickets. You have the jerseys of your favorite players. And yet, if the team is not winning – or, worse – not winning the way you like – and you COMPLAIN about how bad your team is or you get on a Sports Talk radio show and complain that the coach or GM or owner sucks and they all need to be fired or replaced, no one EVER accuses you of being against that team. No one accuses you of being “anti-YOUR TEAM GOES HERE”. In fact, they actually praise and admire your fanatical DEVOTION to your particular team. Yet, you complain or voice your dissent over anything America is doing and suddenly your “anti-American” or Unpatriotic. Does that make ANY sense whatsoever to you?

THIS is the crap that needs to stop.

At least, that’s my HOPE anyway.