A few months ago, I did one of the first story arcs for Capes & Babes. It dealt with Capes & Babes sponsoring a little league team… a team that was made up of… monsters. Those monsters originated from a newspaper illustration I did years ago featuring baby versions of all the classic movie monsters… Frankenstein’s monster, the bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, the headless horseman, the invisible man, the mummy, the werewolf and on and on. In the illustration, all of the baby monsters were scared to death because a Goldilocks-like character was reading them a bed time fairy tale.

I figured, as monsters, they would be MORE afraid of a sweet, happy ending tale rather than some kind of horror story.

Anyway, I brought them back for that little league story so I figured I’d bring them back for Halloween as well.

[Medical update: Turns out I have a very acute, inflamed achilles tendon. Hopefully, after staying off of it for a week and taking some very serious anti-inflamation medication, I’ll be ready for the Walk Now for Autism walk in Washington DC on Nov. 8th. But man… it still hurts for now…]
In the mean time, are there any avid joggers out there that have had very bad or very painful heel spurs? I’m currently dealing with one right now and I really need for it to get better before November 8th as that is the Washington DC Walk Now for Autism. But right now, this thing is absolutely killing me. If anyone has any great advice on ways to alleviate the pain or what the best solution might be, please e-mail me and let me know. Right now, I’m trying my best to stay off of my feet but that’s impossible to do when I have a long commute in the morning and it’s my right heel that’s on fire. It seems putting my foot in the position I need to drive is the absolute worse thing I can do but I have to get to work every morning.

So, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

