The Super Art Fight was a blast last night. I actually came up with the idea for this strip while driving home with my daughter last night from Baltimore. We got home roughly around 1:15am or so.

There were six of us that had the opening match in which we “fought” against each other using the initial word “Transformation”. You would think, given the fact that I have a WEREWOLF in my strip that I might have actually drawn something related to werewolves but no… instead, I drew a “300 He-She Spartan” in lingerie screaming “The heart goes in the FRONT, SPARTANS!!!”. We only had 15 minutes to draw our “Transformation” before we had to move to another canvass and add to whatever was drawn on there.

From what I remember, here are some of the things that I drew:
Mickey Rouke’s “The Wrestler” attacking the Cloverfield monster (The Cloverfield monster was VERY POPULAR last night), I drew the “Where the Wildthings Are” kid trying to pick up a girl in a Starfleet uniform. The kid was saying “I’m a F’in’ MOVIE STAR NOW, Beeyotch!” while the female Trekkie was saying “You’re STILL a LOZER”. Oh yeah… the female? She was drawn WITH MY LEFT HAND!

I also remember drawing Spike Jones as… well, a SPIKE with sunglasses.

I also managed to get the Lochness Monster in there too.

That’s about all I remember drawing.

As soon as I hear about the video being posted, I’ll let you know but if you’re interested in learning more about Super Art Fight, you can go to their web site and find out more information.

It was a lot of fun. I can’t wait to do it again!
