I have to apologize for this strip but not for the reasons you might thing. Yesterday (Sunday), I tried to broadcast my creation of this strip via Livestream but, unfortunately, what I thought was a brilliant idea turned out to be anything but.

You see, I have one of the older Mac iCams – the ones that came in a plastic tube and you hooked up to the top of your laptop or Mac before it became standard to have built in cams on every Mac. Likewise, I have an iMac with a built in iCam. Both versions offer advantages and disadvantages in terms of creating video for the web.

The old iCam is portable but doesn’t have any way you can set it on a tri-pod. The iCam on my computer works great but because it’s built in to the computer – and due to the fact it sits next to my drawing table – I can’t easily record my drawing table using the built-in iCam.

But today, I thought I had a brilliant idea. I thought I’d take the portable iCam and attach it to one of my baseball hats so you could watch me draw from my own perspective. After going through a bunch of ideas on ways to attach the iCam to my hat, I finally came up with the idea solution. Rubber bands!

So I fastened the iCam to the brim of my cap with rubber bands and started to draw. But for those that decided to check out my link on Facebook or Twitter, you realize how much of a bad idea this was. I couldn’t really concentrate on what I was doing and I had a terrible time trying to see if I was actually recording anything correctly.

It was basically a huge experiment gone horribly wrong. But fortunately, I didn’t turn into some sort of huge, green monster though so everything’s okay. I’ll just have to either record the videos in advance (instead of LIVE) or figure something else out altogether.

Oh, and as far as the movie “The Wolfman” goes, I will have a critique of the movie here later on today (Monday) or later on in the week. But suffice to say I liked the movie quite a deal. It was a good theatrical movie but some might find it a bit slow movie at first.

That’s all for now. Tune in to the more in-depth post about “The Wolfman” later.


My friend Ben (@tovias on Twitter) posted THIS picture of himself on Twitpic and I couldn’t resist posting it here – especially since my wife came up with the saying while I came up with the design:

Ben in my Coffee tshirt
