
Autism Awareness badgeToday is Autism Awareness Day so I thought it was really important to mention that.

For those of you that know me personally, you know my wife and I have a son who has autism.

Notice I didn’t say “who suffers” from Autism? Well, that’s because, for all of us who have a brother, sister, son or daughter who has autism… we all know they don’t actually suffer. Instead, if we want to be very accurate, it’s the brother, sister, mom or dad who actually suffers from autism.

But even that’s not completely accurate. It’s not that we “suffer” from autism – it’s just that the person who has autism doesn’t really know it – so how much “suffering” do they really go through? I certainly can’t tell if my son “suffers” through autism but I know his sister, my wife and I will occasionally “suffer” from autism in the sense that we all feel an extra burden of responsibility towards Tyler… an extra sense of worry for his safety or well-being… the occasional frustration of dealing with something that is completely NOT Tyler’s fault or in Tyler’s control.

No, it’s not always the person who has autism that suffers the most. So when you see all the Autism Awareness Day information out there today in Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or all the other online places, think not only of the people who actually have autism but also take a moment and think about the people who care for someone who has autism.

This day is a day of recognizing them as well…

On other news…

This is a prime example of the see-saw nature of being an artist… recently, on the Webcomics Beacon Podcast, I was considered as a possible contender as a cartoonist deserving recognition for a webcomic that started after November 2007 (Capes & Babes made its online debut Nov. 12th, 2007 so I just made the deadline for qualifications).

In the end, I didn’t actually make the list of finalists but my comic WAS mentioned by Tanya a few times during the first annual Webcomic Beacon “Beaky Awards” podcast (Thank you, Tanya for your consideration and mentioning my strip during the podcast).

Now, I’m sure trying to sort through all the great strips that are currently out there is tough but it’s a bit disappointing in the sense that I didn’t seem to make the list not because they didn’t think my strip was worthy or not but because there was some question about whether or not my comic met the qualifications of a “Beaky”. So, in a way, I sort of feel like I was invited to a party but somewhere along the way, my reservation got lost and I wasn’t actually allowed INTO the party. Everybody saw me at the front door, but ultimately, I was turned away and not allowed to join in on the festivities…

That’s the downside of being an artist.

On the upside, I WAS invited to join the WebComic Planet Collective run by Phil from Frumph.net. This is a special honor as it is by invitation only and you (currently) must be accepted by other webcomic creators who find your work worthy of joining their group. This is a special honor for me, indeed, and once I get out from some of my day-to-day 9-5 duties as a full-time web designer, you will soon see WebComic Planet Collective stuff all over the Capes & Babes site (I promise, Phil. Please have patience with me on that! LOL!).

So… on one hand, Capes & Babes wasn’t worthy of a “Beaky” but it was worthy enough to join the WebComic Planet Collective.

Sometimes, you just gotta take the “bad news” with the “good news” I suppose…



For the last couple of years, my wife and I have made it a tradition to go out to eat crabs on my birthday (yes, I’m a HUGE fan of the crab – you know that scene in “Castaway” where Tom Hanks has figured out how to start a fire and eat hot crabs? Well, if that was me, I wouldn’t want to leave that island… that’s how much I love and look forward to eating crabs).

But I digress…

This past year, we couldn’t actually go out and eat crabs for my birthday. We had to postpone that date until tonight. We found a local bar that has a “Tuesday all you can eat crab leg fest” and boy, did I make up for the delay in my traditional birthday feast.

So, what does all this mean? Well, to put it mildly, I am way too stuffed and crab leg bloated to make a post tonight. I’ll make one for tomorrow (maybe).

Until then, I hope you are enjoying Marc’s interview with the Hollywood zombie, Irving Reginald Hungré – yes, that’s right… I. R. Hungré.

Have a good night folks. I’m going to bed.

