I’m baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Unfortunately, I’m also late. The fact is, I ended up having a LOT of extra vacation time built up over the year and, having a “use it or lose it” policy, I’ve actually sort of been in a forced vacation mode. But the thing is… I have been enjoying it way too much. Oh, I’ve also taken advantage of it as well by getting a few commissions completed (or near completed), working on a few artist edition books, getting the Capes & Babes calendar created, printed and shipped out to various family members and finally drawing and inking the cover to the second Capes & Babes book.

Oh… and I was able to create a small buffer for the strip as well.

The thing is though. I am a total creature of habit (and schedule). And when I get off that habit and schedule, I REALLY get off of it. And as I said before, I have REALLY been enjoying my vacation thus far… My family has done quite a bit in just the last few days… a party or two here and there but mostly it’s just been doing something we haven’t had the chance to do for a lot of Christmas’ in the past due to responsibilities, job requirements or, simply, time restraints – and that is enjoying family down time together by watching a ton of movies on TV or going mall shopping and getting pictures with Santa. For those of you that have families, you know how crazy this time of year can be trying to accomplish all the things you want to do. Well, I have been accomplishing all of those things.

But, as is the case with most things, when you set time away for one thing, you usually end up sacrificing something else. With me, it’s been the strip. I’ve been enjoying running these old “CMX Suite” strips as I think it’s given you guys a chance to check out that other strip and get you familiar with it. It’s also given me time to do all of the Christmas things I mentioned above. But it’s also thrown me incredibly out of whack in terms of my schedule and routine. It’s sort of like coming back to the office after an extended vacation. For whatever reason, you’re ready to work but it takes a half a day or so to really re-train your brain to Go-Go-Go. And that’s sort of been the case for me here. That’s why I never want to go on a hiatus or take too much of an extended break. I’m petrified I would enjoy it too much.