Oh you silly, silly cartoonists… don’t you know when you create a strip and FTP it to your server in advance, you ALSO have to at least create a blog post title for that strip as well???

Needless to say, I created and uploaded today’s strip on Wednesday night in anticipation of the first playoff game of my men’s baseball league Thursday night (we didn’t play – we got rained out) – BUT… I forgot to write a blog post to go along with it. Ahhhhhh… So, I’m writing it this Friday morning.

That being said – and staying with the “psychic theme” of today’s strip, I caught Wednesday night’s episode of Psyche on Fios’ Video on Demand last night and I gotta say, that show is getting better and better each season. It’s zany, fun and completely unpredictable. In fact, almost all of the USA network shows have become my favorites… Burn Notice, Royal Pains and Psyche are the three shows I absolutely have to watch. Oddly enough though, because I’m usually doing this strip on the nights these shows run, I’m almost always catching them online.

Or, at least that was the case until last week when we switched from DirectTV to Verizon’s