I can’t take absolute, 100% credit for the punchline for today’s strip. That was greatly inspired by a guest strip Joe Combs did for me back in November, 2008. You can see his strip here. Joe does a fantastic strip of his own called Business Casual. You should check it out. I know I do every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

And for all you young whipper snappers out there that don’t get the reference to Roy’s pose, go to Wikipedia or Google and search for “Black gloves during the Olympics” or you can just click here.

Also, for tonight, I did something a little spontaneous since Rob, Matt and I weren’t able to record our Lightbox – Illuminating Webcomics podcast this week. I made a LiveStream video! This was mostly a test as I could not, for the life of me, get my iMac built in video cam to work with UStream at all! If anyone has any suggestions on how to do that, please e-mail me, won;t you? My e-mail is capesnbabes [at] gmail.com.

If everything worked fine, here’s the video I recorded just a little while ago:

What to get your artist friends for Christmas…

Watch live streaming video from capesbabes at livestream.com

Hope that works!
