Okay folks, my game plan was to leave Pittsburgh Comic Con a few hours early today before the show ended – that way, I would roll into Northern Virginia maybe around 7:00 or 8:00pm and that would give me enough time to get a strip done (yeah, yeah.. I know. Buffer! Buffer! Buffer!)…

But instead, you all were so great and accommodating (plus I had one last commission sketch that I didn’t finish until almost 4:30pm, that I ended up staying until the close – which was only 5:00pm anyway. So, after a dinner and fighting torrential downpours all the way home, I didn’t roll in to my place until just a few minutes ago.

So, instead of a cartoon strip, I’m posting one of my favorite custom commission sketches I did over the weekend. It depicts the Marvel character, Penance, trying to make a part-time living as a kid’s birthday party animal balloon maker.

As you can see, it’s not going so well…