Roy’s motto has always been “Open mouth, insert foot”.

Short post today. Not feeling very well. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow and I’ll edit this post. But for now, enjoy the strip!

Updated post (2/12/09):
Thanks for the kind e-mails and well wishes from everybody. I’m one of those people that generally only get ill once or twice a year but when I do, it’s usually a doozy and knocks me out for a day or two. This February has been incredibly hectic for me – both in terms of the strip and my “day job” and maybe this month’s hectic schedule has played a bit more havoc with my immune system than its used to – hence the last two weeks of feeling ill for a few days. I feel better today but only about 90% better. Hopefully, I will be 100% by this weekend as I’m REALLY looking forward to going to Katsucon15 with my daughter.

One of the things I’ve discovered this past year while attending cons for the first time as an artist is that there isn’t any time to actually ENJOY the con. Once I made the commitment to this cartoon strip, I forfeited the chance to enjoy all future cons as a fan. From an artist’s perspective, you spend so much time meeting, greeting and trying to sell your stuff at a con that you end up not being able to slowly walk the convention floor and maybe meeting and talking to other artists your enjoy or admire. Or even buying a bunch of stuff as well. I mean, it’s incredibly fun, exciting and challenging being behind a table but there is still a slight pang of bittersweet remorse of no longer being a “fan” and enjoying a convention the same way ever again.

In fact, I was very much hoping to NOT experience Katsucon as a fan this year but was unable to secure a table for this year’s event so I’m trying to look at the bright side by enjoying the anime con as a fan (again). It will be interesting to experience the anime con as a “fan” after spending all of last year behind a table at various cons.

In any case, that “fan experience” won’t last long because soon after Katsucon, I will be heading to Richmond, Virginia for a one day con on February 22nd. This is the same con I attended back in November and did fairly well for a one day show. Hopefully, I’ll do a little bit better. If you’re interested in attending, click the VA Comicon graphic at the top of the left hand sidebar for more information.

After that, in April, I will be heading to Roanoke, Virginia for another one day convention. I’ve never attended the Roanoke Valley Con before even though I went to college 30 minutes away from Roanoke – so that will be an interesting experience all by itself.
