I fear that I have been a little amiss in the fact that throughout this Doombot story arc, I haven’t given nearly the amount of thanks or credit to my friend (and fellow comic book convention junkie), Dan Nokes via a Facebook exchange we had with each other concerning SOMETHING about Doombots always exploding (or something to that effect).

Dan is the sole artist and creator of his own self-published comic book universe and you can find all of his stuff at his 21 Sandshark Studio website. That’s one his covers overe there on the left!

For a while now, Dan has been suggesting that it would be cool if one of his multitude of characters somehow showed up in Capes & Babes. But as we got to talking and joking around about “Doombots” on Facebook, I decided it would be EVEN FUNNIER if, instead of one of HIS characters showed up, I put HIM in the strip instead.

I’m sure this was the LAST thing he ever expected!

So… I want to take this opportunity to thank Dan for being such a wonderful sport and letting me have a little bit of fun with his comic strip alter ego. A lot of you have e-mailed, Twittered and Facebooked me to tell me how much you guys were enjoying this particular story arc. I thank you for that as well. If you want to contact Dan on his Facebook page and let him know that as well. And when you do, tell him I sent ya there, alright?

You can find his Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1234106917

Have a good day and an even better weekend!