Hey everybody, just wanted to take a brief moment to share with you the fact that today, you get a Chris Flick THREE-for-one-deal! What do I mean by that? Well, it’s simple, really.

You see, if you come here first, you get a new Capes & Babes strip done by yours truly.

Since it’s Wednesday, you can also check out my Weekly Strip that I do for the Community MX web site called “CMX Suite”. You can check out today’s “CMX Suite” by clicking here.

And then, if you head over to my friend, Matt Stout’s strip, Big Sandy Gilmore, you can see a guest strip I did for him.

So, there you go… a THREE-for-one deal!

But seriously, go check out Matt’s site.

So, to re-cap:
1) Check out today’s Capes & Babes strip
(which, if you’re reading this, you’re already doing)…

2) Then, go to Community MX and check out my “CMX Suite” weekly strip
(published ever Wednesday)…

3) And then go check out my Guest Strip for
Matt Stout’s Big Sandy Gilmore web comic strip.

Thanks everyone!
