So, I want to introduce all the Wolf Pack to Derek Egy.

Folks, Derek draws a strip called “A Fair Trade” – click the link, I think you’ll really like it. Just be advised that you might find an F-Bomb here or there.

Anyway, Derek draws the strip and Edward Wolden writes it. I don’t know Edward but Derek and I belong to a webcomics Facebook group and he saw my post asking for Capes & Babes guest strips and cranked this one out in an incredible amount of time this week. And every time we were both on Facebook, he’d send me snippets of what he was working on.

To tell you the truth, it was one of those great little surprises that you kind of antagonize about because Derek’s first little preview was so incredibly great, I couldn’t wait to see the rest. I hope you guys really enjoy his unique style as much as I did when I first saw it. I’m definitely adding A Fair Trade to my webcomic booklist.

Here’s some promotional art Derek created as well that I thought I’d share too:

A Fair Trade promo art - reduced


And now on to some sad news…

I had a very disappointing discussion with my daughter yesterday afternoon. It pains me to say this but apparently, I have utterly failed as a parent.

For some strange and inexplicable reason, my daughter – who admits to hating ALL of the Twilight series – somehow sadly prefers – and considers – bad CGI oversized, full bodied wolves as being TRUE WEREWOLVES.

Despite all forms of superior logic, I could not convince her that a TRUE WEREwolf is a half-man/half-wolf hybrid. Instead, she is utterly convinced that only humans that turn into over-sized wolves are the true definitions of a werewolf.

As I said, I have utterly failed as a parent.

So, I thought it might be fun to ask all of YOU what kind of werewolf do you prefer…

Do you consider over-sized CGI wolves like those in Twilight and Underworld to be true werewolves?

Or do you prefer half men/half wolf hybrids like that in The Wolfman to be THE true kind of fantasy werewolf?