Yes, this is the same “Teenage Werewolf” starring Michael Landon…

Yes, that’s Michael Landon in the third panel…

Yes, you probably have to of seen “I Was A Teenage Werewolf” to fully appreciate this joke…

Needless to say, I HAVE seen “I Was A Teenage Werewolf”. I think it was on WDCA Channel 20 here in Washington, DC during the “Creature Feature Hour” when I was a kid. It was hosted by a fellow that, during the day, hosted cartoon shows for kids as “Captain 20”. You can read all about his history here!

I think it was during one of his Creature Feature shows that I was also discovered for the first time “The Creature from the Black Lagoon”. The Creature was always my favorite monster. For whatever reason, he didn’t scare the crap out of me like Frankenstein or Dracula did. I always thought he was a cool, and fascinating monster.

The Teenage Werewolf didn’t really scare me that much when i first saw it. Maybe it was because I had already been exposed to Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie for years before I had seen this earlier movie with Michael Landon – and, really, he was such a sweet guy as Little Joe and on Little House that I just KNEW there was no way he was ever going to turn into the teenage werewolf and “come get me” (as I was convinced so many OTHER monsters were going to do).

Anyway, hope you long time movie buff fans enjoy today’s strip!
