Okay, so we got a lot of stuff to cover for this Friday, so let’s get down to it, shall we?

Awesome Con DC

Next weekend, I’ll be at the Washington DC Convention center attending the very first AWESOME CON DC. Click the bold text and find out more about this great show. And, more importantly, come to the show on Saturday as I will be on a webcomic panel with Dawn Griffin, Charles Dowd and a few other terrific artists too.
Speaking of Dawn…

A little Z& F cross comic pollination…

Currently, my friend and fellow Webcomic Alliancer, Dawn Griffin, is holding a fan art contest over at her Zorphbert & Fred website for cool, Z & F themed cereal box designs. During the CGS Super Show last weekend, I mentioned to Dawn that I wanted to feature the winning cereal box design as an “official” Capes & Babes cereal. I want to make a strip featuring the winning cereal and cereal box design and make it a staple in the Capes & Babes universe by having it be Roy’s favorite breakfast meal.
If you guys that’s pretty cool, then get on over to Dawn’s site and submit YOUR cereal box design. Who knows… you just might win and wind up in Capes & Babes too.

CGS Super Show pictures

I will TRY to get all the pictures up in a gallery this weekend – including a couple of pictures I got with Fred Hembeck. There’s even one with me, Fred and Roy! So yes, those are all on my agenda. I’ve been a little busy because…

I’m coaching a little league team this year…

Or, I should say, I’m assisting in the coaching department.
Last summer, I mentioned that that was the first time in 25 years that I had not played any baseball during the summer. There would have been too many conflicts between games and going to conventions and I played enough baseball that I thought the strip and my cartooning deserved to be the priority for a while.
But over the winter, I found that I missed being involved in some way with baseball. I wasn’t missing the feeling of playing though, so I made a few calls about possibly helping out a team and one of them called. There’s also a slight possibility that I might be helping a 13-18 year old team later in the summer as well.

In any case, this adds a little bit of hectic craziness to my already crazy schedule but it’s been a lot of fun so far getting out there and showing the kids all the tips, tricks and drills I was taught and what I have coached to other kids. We’ll see how the season goes as it already stars next week!