[A major plug announcement!]
The Comics Coast-to-Coast Podcast has selected Capes and Babes as their “pick of the week” this week. Justin Thompson said some really great things about Capes & babes in the Coast-to-Coast episode #55 podcast. You can click on the episode #55 link to listen to the podcast from their web site or subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

Now… on to the blog entry for today’s (10/22/08) comic…
In case there are any pizza delivery people out there that might be offended by this week’s strips, I feel I should let you all know that I was a pizza delivery guy myself. For four years. That was my primary job during the summer months of college – and, thanks to some very generous managers, my job during Christmas and Spring breaks or whenever I came back from school and could work a night or two.

Of course, it also helped that the managers who kept me on the payroll knew I would bust my butt whenever I came back from school and worked for them. It probably didn’t hurt that most of them were hired as drivers the same week that I was also but, instead of going off to school, they stayed there and rose up the managerial ladder, so to speak.

My dad used to chastise me quite a bit about working at, essentially, a dead end job. And, if you don’t have any ambitions to manage a pizza delivery chain (which I didn’t), then delivering pizzas pretty much is a dead end job. But by and large, delivery pizzas was a pretty fun job. On most nights, because I knew every possible short cut in my area, there wasn’t a whole lot of stress delivering a pizza on time. Sure, there were those moments when one or two drivers didn’t want to work a Friday or Saturday night so that put extra stress on the drivers that did show up but because all of my friends seemed to work there, even these stressful nights seemed more like “play” than “work”.

And boy… when your shift is over, pizza delivery guys and gals sure know how to unwind. And unwind we did!
