Okay… I’m slowly but surely getting ready for Pittsburgh and Baltimore Comic Con in September and October. Here’s what I have in store for both conventions:

1) A five foot tall foam core cut-out of Roy the Werewolf (he looks pretty awesome if I do say so myself).

2) A new banner to go along the front of my table (from www.gotprint.com)

3) My wife bought be a chest mannequin for our COFFEE t-shirts so that’s gonna look awesome on the table!

4) I just ordered more “You Can’t Print Flick” books from www.lulu.com. They were shipped today!

5) 2500 New postcards (old design though) from www.gotprint.com

I think that’s about it. Things are slowly beginning to come together. Each convention show, I learn a little bit more and add a few more things to make myself look more “professional” each time. Here’s hoping the same will happen for Pittsburgh & Baltimore!
