For those that are wondering what Roni is looking at in the last panel, here’s the link where you can see it for yourself:

Roy’s poetry to Ron

A long time ago (at least in “internet time”), I heard about this thing called “Twitter” and thought “ahhh… what the heck good is that? I much rather just use an IM client…” but now, if you follow me on Twitter, you know I use it on a constant basis for a variety of things.

So… I decided that this time, when I was introduced to something, instead of simply dismissing it with a wave of a hand, I’d check it out and at least experiment with it a bit before making a judgment on the “latest thing”. Well, for me, that “latest thing” is TWINE.

If you want to check out my Capes & Babes Twine, here’s the direct link:

I don’t exactly know what I’m going to do with this but thus far, it looks like it could be a fun way to share FREE stuff with all of you – like the sketch progress of the very first CAPES & BABES BOOK. We’ll have to see…

Currently listening to “Objects in the rear view Mirror” by Meatloaf…
