I didn’t realize this until tonight, but Monday will be the 300th strip of Capes & Babes. Maybe that’s why I’m giving the strip a lot of thought about what direction I should take it or what I want to do with the characters.

I want to explore more of Joey’s relationship (or quasi-relationship) with Marc… I want to explore the struggles Roy and Roni have as a werewolf and vampire… but I don’t know if I want to turn this into a drama-type strip. The problem is, all four of them are very under-developed in terms of back stories and how those back stories relate to one another. The stories are there – if you bought my book, you know that I give even the MINOR characters a back story.

This is something I really want to work on in the upcoming months. I don’t know if that means there will be more drama in the strip or what. There are a lot of stories in my head with these characters – especially with Marc and Joey – that have a lot of emotions and drama attached to them but I still seem reluctant to push the gear shift into “Drama drive”. I don’t know… I’m gonna have to think so more about this.

Of course, it could just be that I’m listening to way too much Bruce Springsteen or Dan Fogelberg tonight on my iPod…

