Folks, today’s guest strip is brought to you by Birdie. You can read and check out more of Birdie’s stuff by clicking either one of these links:

When I recently mentioned how hectic the next couple of weeks will be for me, Birdie took pity on me and almost immediately sent me this terrific guest strip. As it turns out, I needed it because I am soooo incredibly exhausted from MY BEST SHOW I’VE EVER HAD this weekend in Baltimore.
This past summer, I thought Heroes Con was my best show and, at the time, it was. But this past weekend, the Baltimore Comic Con exceeded that by quite a bit. What’s even more amazing is the fact that the Baltimore show is only two days whereas heroes is a three day show – so a big thumbs up goes out to all the Baltimore Comic Con organizers and volunteers – but more importantly, thanks to all the fans who came to the show, found mine and Dawn’s tables in Artist alley and bought our stuff.
You guys practically bought all the copies of Volume three that I took to the show (only three left for SPX next weekend). I still have plenty of volume 1 and 2 but you guys were so awesome, you nearly bought all 15 copies I brought to the show. I thank you for that!
Right now, I’m REALLY tired so I’ll have to write up my big Baltimore Convention report – along with photos and everything else – at a later date. Maybe Wednesday.
If I’ve recovered by then!