This weekend, I was at Awesome Con DC. It was, to say the least, AWESOME!

To date, the best show for me since I started going to conventions. So much so, here are some highlights:

  • In two days, I did 18 Caricature Sketch cards
  • I sold the Green Lantern/Care Bears mash-up cover sketch book for an AWESOME amount
  • Sold out of my Powerpuff Girls as Ivy, Harley and Catwoman prints
  • Sold FIVE Capes & Babes employee badges
  • Volume one nearly sold out the first day – had to re-stock the second day

To say the least, as awesome as the show was, I was drawing almost the full time both days – either doing sketch cards or completing promised commissions. Because of that, this week, I will be highlighting all 18 caricature cards I did during the show. My drawing hand is actually hurting a little bit so I need to rest it for a day or so before getting back into the current storyline.

I apologize for the disruption but I hope you enjoy the sketch card fillers – I think they are, without a doubt, some of my best ones yet.