Merry Christmas Eve, everybody! Here’s hoping you all have all of your Christmas shopping done!

I got mine done Saturday afternoon.

Now, I just have to wrap everything. 🙂

And now for something “Christmas-y”…

I found this the other day and out it on my Facebook Wall… it’s a Red Skelton little story called “The Littlest Christmas Tree”. It was on a Christmas album my mom and dad had – I originally thought it was lost or damaged but my mom says she still has the record. When my brother and I were younger (much younger), my mom would play this record – and this story – every Christmas Eve.

I’m not sure when it was recorded but once you hear it, you’ll understand it had to have been recorded way back in the time where Russia was “the Evil Empire”. Some of that stuff doesn’t hold up these days but I think the gist of the story still holds up and it’s still pretty touching…

