Mainly because I’m not a big fan of those new “jet spray” ketchup bottles…

Am I the only one that dislikes the fact that when you’re putting ketchup on a burger or dog and you’re using one of these “jet spray” bottles, what end up happening is that you squeeze the bottle to hard and end up with a huge glob of ketchup in one concentrated area instead of evenly distributed across your burger or dig – and always WAY more than you actually wanted.

Going to the two-day NC Comic Con?

Then I have some TERRIFIC news for you! It looks like I will actually have my new Capes & Babes/Roy keychains in plenty of time for the NC Comic Con on November 8th and 9th so I will be selling them at the show.

According to FedEx, they should be delivered to my house this Tuesday, the 23rd. As soon as I get them, I will post a picture of them here, Facebook and Twitter so I can get as many eyeballs on them as possible.