If you haven’t guessed yet, the special announcement really is the fact that we’re gonna have a Howl-a-ween party at Capes & Babes!

Today’s little strip kicks off a story line featuring Marc’s attempt to do that very thing.

I also have this little idea that I have no idea if it will actually work but here it is anyway… I was thinking maybe people could send my photos of their Halloween costumes from this year, last year or any year and I’ll post them in the blog section. So even though we can’t have a physical, real-life Capes & Babes Howl-A-Ween party, maybe we could have a virtual one.

Anyway, that’s my crazy idea. If you’re interested, e-mail me your costumes at capesnbabes [at] gmail.com

UPDATE: You know what, screw all of that… I think i got an even BETTER idea then just sending me photos… Instead, why don’t YOU join the Capes & Babes Howl-A-Ween party instead?

Here’s what you do:
Send me a photo of yourself and tell me who you wanna go to the party as and I’ll draw everyone who sends me a photo as a party guest!!!

Now THAT might be a lot of fun, don’t you think???