Hey everybody…
I’m dedicating today’s blog post to my good friend – and frequent Convention going buddy – Dan Nokes.

Dan is currently nearing the end of an Indiegogo campaign and he needs your help to complete his campaign for his ADAM AND EVE: BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE IN THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: THE COMPLETE UNDEAD OMNIBUS.

A few weeks ago, I posted a video interview I did with Dan over at the Webcomic Alliance. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check it out here.

But getting back to Dan, you may think he’s a rich dude seeing as he’s always appearing on those Free Credit Score.com commercials but that’s not really him – that’s just his look-alike. So, he really, really could use a hand or three. And the best part of it all is that he’s currently drawing zombie caricatures of everyone who pledges. So if you ever wanted to look like a zombie, Dan is the man!

Go to his Indiegogo Campaign today!