All throughout the month of December, I mentioned the fact that I had a bunch of commissions that I had to do for Christmas presents. Well, I thought I would share with you all a small sampling of some of those commissions.

First up is some sketch cards I did for Matt’s family:

I then turned those sketch cards into a full body, super hero family portrait for them:

After that, I started working on a very special commission for Dave Wilson. He wanted me to draw him and Roy camping together – only he wanted me to draw him depicted as his werewolf persona. So here’s the commission of Roy and Dave “roughing it”:

And the last one is an illustration is a depiction of Kerry in all three of her major cosplaying costumes:

These weren’t the only commissions I did during the month of December but they were the ones that ended up taking the most time and attention for me. All in all though, a very, very good December.