For those of you that might be curious, I didn’t watch the 2nd Presidential debate last night. I did something very unusual (but very interesting) instead…

I READ about it on Twitter.

Very interesting to watch people’s responses ALL OVER the political spectrum because I actually do follow people that have a wide variety of political, personal, economical, artistic and sexual view points. It would be impossible to agree with ALL of those varying viewpoints ALL the time but it is interesting to watch and interact with them.

Now, that being said, I mentioned this on my Facebook wall a few days ago…
Years ago, I had heard a story where a reporter once asked Michael Jordan why he wasn’t more involved in politics and, supposedly, Michael’s response was “because republicans buy NIKEs too”. That story has stuck in my mind ever since I heard it but it came back to me after all the political discussions people have been… um… sharing with me.

So it seems to me that during this current political climate – from a business and webcomic perspective – it might be best to just shut up and not give my views publicly. I plan to talk a little bit about this very subject during the next Webcomic Alliance podcast – not from a political standpoint but from a “are you afraid people will boycott you if you voice something they disagree with” perspective. It’s easy to assume that’s all about politics but it could be anything. The most obvious example would be sports. What if you’re a fan of the Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys and you’re proud of that and say that in your blog posts?

Are you afraid there are some Boston Red Sox fans, some Eagles, Redskins or Giants fans that might say “Oh lord, he likes that team… well, guess I have to boycott his strip now” because there ARE fans out there that are like that. That’s one of the many reasons why, when I go to conventions, you will never see me wear any kind of MLB or NFL hats or merchandise. It’s also the reason why I don;t have any bumper stickers on my car or drive around with a window flag of my favorite team(s) in my car door windows.

So for now, I’m going to do my best to shut up about politics because really, at this point, there’s not much I can really say to change your mind and there’s really not much you can say to change my mind. Some people might say that’s a really bad thing but if you’re a San Diego Charger fan, is there any thing I could really say to you to convince you that Romo is a better quaterback than Rivers? Is there anything you can do to convince me Rivers is better?

Doesn’t that pretty much say it all right there?

Now, as a side bar, before you all comment on this blog post, I just want to remind everyone of two things…

1) I don’t censor, edit or delete posts I don’t agree with. I never have. I can’t say I never will because that’s an absolute and I try to avoid living my life via absolutes. It’s too limiting. Different opinions a welcomed here but be prepared for the same.

2) Back in the summer, when the tragic Batman shootings happened in Colorado, I had a blog post about how I felt about gun control. There were a lot of different opinions… there were a lot of opposing opinions… but ALL of them were civil. Just remember that.