Big thanks again to Bill Walko for letting me play in The Hero Business sandbox for a few strips. I have one last Brody LeBalnc strip in mind and then we’ll have to say good bye to The Hero Business.

So, for all The Hero Business fans that showed up here last week to check out what Capes & Babes is all about, I hope I did a good enough job to convince you to stick around and maybe add another webcomic to your reading habits. For all the Capes & Babes fans that hadn’t heard of The Hero Business – first, shame on you and second, you can make up for the first point by checking out – and reading – Bill’s strip! I think it’s definitely one of those times where a cross-over actually makes sense and you can easily believe one strip could exist in the universe of another – and vice versa. That ain’t easy to do, folks, when you got a werewolf, a vampire, an Alien and a zombie running around your neighborhood. Trust me on that!

Intervention Con 2012

I have too much to say about Intervention Con 2012 (all good!) for right now. I just got back a few hours ago from another absolutely great and fun show put on by Onezumi and Harknell. I’ll go into more details myabe on Wednesday when I’ve had a chance to recover a little bit from my third convention in three weekends. I’m beginning to feel those effects a little bit so I need to call it a relatively early night for me.

But before I do that, I wanted to especially thank CC Cobalt for giving me a terrific Roy Crane collection. I haven’t had a chance to look through it yet, CW but I showed my wife the book and I’m afraid she might want to read it first – so I don’t know WHEN I might get a chance to read it!

And then second, I want to thank Denis Lachapelle for the beer last night. Much appreciated, my friend!

And with all that being said, good night ya’ll!
