So last night, my daughter and I went to the discount theater near our place – the University Mall Theaters near George Mason University – to see The Avengers one more time. It was my daughter’s second time seeing The Avengers while it was the third time for me. And you know what? Even though the sound system wasn’t nearly as good as our regular (and more expensive) movie theater. the movie STILL rocked!

Totally looking forward to the Blu-ray dropping on September 23rd.

Werewolf Wednesday is back!

Today’s Werewolf Wednesday distinction falls to Dave Wilson. Dave recently commissioned a Roy dressed up as The Atom from me and also volunteered to be a werewolf for Werewolf Wednesday. So… here you go, Dave!

If you’re interested in being featured as a werewolf for Werewolf Wednesday, send me your photo at capesnbabes [at] and I’ll feature you as a werewolf here on this blog!